NIR Round Table on Global Development
11 December In connection to NIR Board meeting a Round Table meeting will be held, with external experts giving their insights on global development.
North African Business Day
3 December NIR participates in the North African Business Day hosted by SWENACC and partners.
Delegation to Lubumbashi, DRC
1-4 December NIR follow up on engagement in DRC with a delegation to Lubumbashi
NIR speaker at conference on peace building in Bogotá
9-12 December NIR CEO participating as speaker at conference on peace building in Bogotá with companies, government and civil society representatives. In addition to this a number of field visits to Medellin and around Bogotá.
NIR speaker at Business Resilience in Developing Countries conference
1 December NIR participates as speaker at the conference ”Business Resilience in Developing Countries” in Vienna.
NIR Future Leadership Training
13 November NIR holds training for its members on the future leadership in complex environments.
NIR at Örebro Peace Conference
24 October NIR participates as speaker at Örebro Peace Conference with Margot Wallström, Denis Muwege and Stefan Einhorn. Peace in DRC being the main focus of the conference.
IMD Round Table on Managing Complexity in Fragile Business Contexts
6-7 October NIR participates in IMD round table on Managing Complexity in Fragile Business Contexts in Lausanne.
NIR speaker at UN Global Compact Business & Peace
29-30 September NIR participates as speaker at the UN Global Compact Annual Business and Peace conference in Istanbul.
NIR to Israel and Palestine
27 September – 3 October Visit to Israel and Palestine as a part of on-going programme activies.